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Welcome to Alpha Sports, Inc. also known as Pat's Cycles for almost half a century. We are happy to serve you and hope that the following pages help you to find the product or services you are looking for.

Our Mission

We want the experience of Motorcycling and Snowmobiling to remain the same as when you first sat on your very first machine!  Our goal is to help you to retain all that excitement. To do that - you must have a place to bring your problems and have them solved, quickly, expertly, efficiently!  We are here to make that happen. 

We will help you with your parts needs and assist you in getting the best service possible for the dollar. Our reputation of having one of the largest parts inventories will serve you well. If you need anything please contact us. We will meet your needs with the fastest service and at a fair price.  

It is our hope also to give you service that is pleasing to you and to our Lord Jesus Christ. As Christians we seek to make you, our customers, feel as though you are getting the kind of service that you deserve.

Our guide is John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

Thank you,

Pat Junkins 

Contact Information

   Mon-Fri 9-6 Sat 9-1 EST
Postal address
Alpha Sports Center
77 Sokokis Trail So..
          Limerick, Me. 04048
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